Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Walt Disney and Starbucks as characters in a short story

He walked through the dense lush forests of the amazon. Searching. With his fireman pants pulled up tight and his frayed cross-stiched bathrobe tight around his body. He breathed deeply into his gas mask and looked deeper into the forest. He was close now. His right hand shuffled into a satchel that one carried around their waste and pulled out a large metallic box with lots of flashing lights and knobs on it. A small screen showed a red dot that was very close to a blinking blue dot.
“Very close I am” He muffled to himself
“What are you close too?” An excited voice called from beside him
“Ahh” The man said his sombrero almost falling off of his head.
“What are you scared off? Was it me? I hope it wasn’t me because I didn’t want to scare you I just wanted to help you. My name is Walt and I like helping people and going on adventures. Do you like going on adventures. Because I think adventures are FABULOUS. What’s your name?” Walt said excited with a zany look in his eyes.
“I was scared but am currently not. I do like adventures and my name is Buck. Who are you?”
“Buck you say wow that’s amazing. You could even say it’s fabulous. Where are you going and where have you come from. I am a unicorn and I live in this forest?” Walt happily said as he pranced around Buck
“I came from a faraway land. I am searching for a particular artifact.” Buck said nonchalantly as he shuffled his bright yellow crocs on the ground.
“OHHHH interesting, what does this artifact do, is it shiny, does it help you find princesses?” Walt said as he rubbed his back on a tree
“No it doesn’t help you find princesses it is an artifact that allows you to change any type of clothing into something else. It is the ultimate clothing modifier.”
“Wow that is fabulous. Well lets go find the artifact then.”
“According to my MSP8990 the latest in artifact tracking technology the artifact should be just at the edge of this forest.”
“Fabulous. I’ve been to the clearing thousands of times but I never looked for an artifact before lets go.” Walt said as he pranced around Buck one more time and then led him through the dense jungle
A couple minutes later they excited the forest into a huge clearing and in the middle of the clearing was an enormous oak tree that dominated the clearing.
“My tracker is pointing towards the oak tree it must be near it” Buck commented
“The oak tree is fabulous because its magic and it protects all the nice forest creature from all the bad ones. It also has a really weird branch that sags down and I have never found out why.” Walt said as he leapt over Buck

Buck ran over to the tree almost losing his bathrobe in the process and examined the lower hanging branch. He pulled out a short wand from the tree and exclaimed
“Found it. Found it I have. I can change any clothing apparel. Now all people will respect my fashion. They won’t say that my color schemes or that my style will clash.”

“Yay you found it. Now everyone will be fabulous even though I think your clothes are really weird but it doesn’t matter because you’re fabulous.”

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